What post Enlightenment scientific materialist called Truth doesn't exist by their own definition... it seems odd to me how much they invoke that word when by their own objective standards it cannot be achieved given their worldview.

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Your final caution not to make ourselves our own juju is well taken. It seems related to the immerging dominance of the ideology of transhumanism, or at least the abandonment of all material limits in pursuit of the transcendent "self"; that mysterious god that inhabits our meat suits, whose every whim must be met, regardless of the cost; whose every feeling is sacrosanct and must be appeased - to the ultimate absurdity of being freed from the wrong body, or frozen for future re-emergence in a remodeled body. Then, consider the crushing political and social dominance of identity politics, all generated to offer human sacrifices on the altar of the "self" esteem of the priestly cast. Pretty powerful juju!

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