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I finally finished listening to the whole of this, having to take it in bits at a time- wow it is rich and covers a lot of ground boldly!

Thank you for this; I will take much more care with that expression and the spirit behind it I have definitely fallen into, about others' intentions and my own.

Somehow it reminds me of Father Tom Hopko's (in)famous podcast on the expression, "God is in control." He took this one to task hardcore! A most sympathetic read of that expression can find its truth. But that's not the spirit he was rightly attacking.

A most sympathetic read of the expression "road to hell paved by good intentions" might be something like, "ignorance can be sin." I think of support we can give to what ends up evil in the end, though we were ignorant we were too forward and quick to act with our opinions/support.


Quite tangentially perhaps I had a surprising experience sitting with a bishop who told me this:

"As the golden-mouthed bishop Saint John once said, 'The road to hell is paved...

... with the heads of priests and bishops.'"


only a bishop perhaps can say this.



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